Scott Volk
An Unexpected Payment
Simonides was born on the windswept isle of Ceos. He left home at an early age to venture across Hellenic Greece, immersing himself in its rich culture.
Imagine standing shoulder-to-shoulder with three hundred brothers-in-arms, squeezed between two unforgiving cliffs and facing an overwhelming force of one million invaders.
Your brain tries to keep you and your community alive; it is an adaptable
survival organ.
Neurons that fire together wire together
Your brain is trying to help you ...
First, Don't be Stupid
Charlie Munger was a self made man, and a billionaire who spent his lifetime thinking about thinking.
Carrington Event
In light of the potential risks posed by Carrington Events – massive solar storms capable of crippling the technology of the human world – it's crucial to cultivate skills in memory, problem-solving, and creativity.
To remember new things we want to link them into our associative memory, or link them into the collection of things we already know. Neurons that fire together wire together.
Restorff Effect
In 1933 Hedwig von Restorff discovered that: Isolating an item against a crowded or homogenous background facilitates the learning of that isolated item. [1] This is often called the isolation effect, and it is useful when designing mnemonics.
1. Wallace, W. P. (1965). Review of the historical, empirical and theoretical
Mnemonic Liquidity
'Mnemonic liquidity' relates to how readily a mnemonic technique can be deployed for a specific type of memory task. Mnemonic liquidity varies depending on the balance between the mental effort required for encoding information and the effectiveness of recall.